Detox Application Form

We invite you to complete this initial application to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you. Once submitted, our team will review your information and contact you regarding the next steps. Please note that this is not a booking confirmation – approved applicants will receive a detailed intake & indemnity form.

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Full Name

Requirements to Take Part in Detox Protocols

To take part in our Detox protocols, you should be in good overall health. Please discuss in detail with us, if you have any underlying conditions. It is important to consult with the facilitator, if you have any concerns prior to any treatments, in order to ensure that the treatments are suitable and safe for you to work with. It is highly recommended that you do a general medical examination with your doctor before attending one of our retreats. It is also recommended to do an ECG (Electrocardiogram) and a D-dimer test (tests for blood clotting issues).

If you are on any medications, please discuss and disclose the medications and treatments that you are undergoing.

Conditions for Which Treatments are Contraindicated

There are many conditions for which our treatments are contraindicated. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but acts as a guideline for contraindications. If you have any other underlying condition that is not mentioned in this list, please discuss it with us.

Those who are contraindicated include:

  • People who are under 18 years of age.
  • People who have had a stroke.
  • People who have serious heart problems.
  • People who have had a brain haemorrhage.
  • People who have aneurysms or blood clots.
  • People who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  • People who are taking medication for low or high blood pressure.
  • People who have serious mental health problems (excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety)
  • People who are taking immune-suppressants for organ transplant.
  • People with Addison’s disease.
  • People with current and severe epilepsy.
  • People who are recovering from a major surgical procedure. (recent hernia op included)
  • Women who are pregnant or suspect they may be so.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding babies under the age of 6 months old.
  • People who use heroine or opioids, cocaine or any other illicit or recreational drugs, or who are undergoing treatment with methadone.
  • People who are on any type of medications not mentioned in this list; please discuss all medications that you have recently, or are presently taking, with us.
  • Please discuss with the facilitator, any other alternative medicines that you have recently taken. 
Cautions & Considerations

Extra caution is required in the following cases, It’s important to disclose any of these prior to your session:

  • People with active drug or alcohol addictions.
  • People taking slimming, serotonin and/or sleeping supplements.
  • People taking immune-suppressants for auto-immune disorders.
  • People who have been using distilled water for detox/fasting.

It’s also important to disclose any of the following prior to session:

  • If you’re taking or have recently stopped taking any medications.
  • If you’re taking or have recently stopped taking any diet/slimming pills.
  • If you’re regularly taking anti-diuretic medication or sports drinks.
  • If you have ever been, or are currently bulimic or anorexic.
  • If you’re epileptic.
  • If you have abnormally high or low blood pressure.
  • If you have liver or kidney problems.
  • If you have any chronic or serious health issues.
  • If you have asthma.
  • If you have diabetes. (type I or type II)
Preparing for Detoxification Retreats

While there are certain things to avoid and practical aspects to adhere to, during the time leading up to your retreat, there are also things to reflect upon and contemplate.

What are your intentions for the retreat? What are you looking to release, and what are you looking to achieve and to integrate into your life? Does the reason you’re coming to a retreat revolve around the physical, emotional, mental or energetic?

Regarding the more practical aspects

Do not attempt any sort of water or dry fast 7 days before/after our retreats.

Do not drink alcohol 5 to 7 days before/after your retreats.

Do not take recreational drugs 10 days before or after your retreat.

Caffeine stimulates the system. Try to avoid coffee for three days prior to your retreat. Rather drink herbal teas.

Please cut out all junk foods, processed foods and excessive dairy products for at least 2 to 3 weeks before your retreat.

Try to eat a healthy and nutritious diet in the week leading up to your retreat. Include as many healthy fresh vegetables and fruit as possible, into your diet. Try to eat less meat, chicken and fish during this week leading up to the retreat. Try to exclude meat, chicken, fish and eggs from your diet, for at least three to five days before the retreat.  Try to cut down on refined starches and carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta.

You can eat healthy breads such as sourdough or rye bread.  Have almond or oat milk instead of cows milk. 

Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juice and healthy smoothies. You can include beans, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa and sweet potatoes. Please take a good probiotic in order to strengthen your gut’s microbiome. 

Reduce or cut out sugar consumption. Rather use honey that has not been irradiated.

Supplement with a good magnesium supplement in the week leading up to your retreat; and also continue with any other vitamins and minerals that you supplement with. Vitamin C is also great to supplement with in the week leading up to your retreat.

Try to make little to no plans for the duration of your retreat.  Utilise the time between your treatments to integrate, rest and recuperate.

Do not consume distilled water in the 2 days leading up to your retreat.

If you are unsure about any of the preparation protocols, or have questions or concerns, please get in touch and ask prior to continuing with the retreat.

During your retreat, try to stay off of cellular phones and computers as much as possible. Definitely try to eliminate social media from your daily routine, whist you are reconnecting and healing at your retreat.

The pre-cleanse leading up to the retreat is very important and the earlier that you transition to a healthier diet, before your retreat, the more you will benefit from the protocols at our retreat.

What do I bring to the a Retreat?
  • Loose, comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.
  • An eye or sleep mask, or a bandana that can be placed over the eyes.
  • Earplugs or an over ear headphone.
  • A Hair clip band or elastic to tie up long hair. 
  • People with asthma should bring their inhaler with them (as a precautionary measure).
  • Bring a pen and a notebook, if you wish, for jotting down notes and for journaling.
  • Swimming costume for swimming, sauna, hot tubs and mineral baths.
  • Walking, hiking, running shoes.
  • Hat/cap to protect from sun.
  • Some warm clothes if the weather becomes cooler.
Safety During the Retreat

As practitioners, we follow a very strict code of ethics & conduct and we are primarily concerned with the safety and welfare of all those who receive treatments during their stay with us. At all times, we maintain a professional, empathetic and compassionate approach to all our treatments. 

Due to the contraindications, cautions and considerations, it’s extremely important for all people to disclose any current or historical health issues prior to taking part in any treatments. 

The above is critical to ensure the utmost safety for all who take part in treatments and to avoid any unnecessary accidents and mistakes.

If at any time during your retreat, you feel uncomfortable about any protocol, please share and discuss with us, as soon as possible.

Can I take my medication during my Retreat?

If you’re taking medication of any sort, it’s important to let us know what you’re taking and why you’re taking it, prior to any treatments. To ensure your safety, please let us know and we can discuss this further.

We would appreciate it if you could please fill in the following questionnaire and send it to us, prior to arriving at our retreat.